The academic writer's handbook

I. THE WRITING PROCESS. > 1. What Is Academic Writing? >What is the proper subject of academic writing? >Characteristics of academic writing. > The Academic Writer' s Handbook . > 2. Preparing to Write in an Academic Setting. >Understanding your assignment. >Generating ideas and information. >Selecting, organizing, expanding information. > 3. Writing a Working Thesis and a First Draft. >Writing a working thesis. >Writing a first draft. >Sample student paper: first draft. > 4. Revising the Paper. >Global revision: bringing your main ideas into focus. >Section-level revision: developing your main idea. >Sentence-level revision. >Responding to editorial advice from peers and instructors. >Sample student paper: final draft ' keep the laptops, change the teaching' > 5. Paragraphs: Building Blocks of Academic Writing. >Unity: giving each paragraph a controlling idea and sticking to it. >Coherence: moving from sentence to sentence with a plan. >Developing the content of paragraphs

The academic writer's handbook (Engelsk)

Grundigt bearbejdet (Engelsk)
Nota udgivelsesår: 
Longman, 2012, (3. udgave)