Advanced nutrition and human metabolism
Chapter 1. The Cell: A Microcosm of Life, 1 Components of Typical Cells, 2 Plasma Membrane, 2 Cytoplasmic Matrix, 4 Mitochondrion, 6 Nucleus, 8 Endoplasmic Reticulum and Golgi Apparatus, 10 Lysosomes and Peroxisomes, 11 Cellular Proteins, 12 Receptors and Intracellular Signaling, 12 Transport Proteins, 14 Catalytic Proteins (Enzymes), 15 Pratical Clinical Application of Cellular Enzymes, 17 Apoptosis, 19 Programmed Death, 19 Potential Mechanisms, 19 Biological Energy, 20 Energy Release and Consumption in Chemical Reactions, 21 Units of Energy, 21 The Role of High-Energy Phosphate in Energy Storage, 24 Coupled Reactions in the Transfer of Energy, 25 Reduction Potentials, 26 Summary, 27 PERSPECTIVE: Nutritional Genomics: The Foundation for Personalized Nutrition, 29 Chapter 2. The Digestive System: Mechanism for Nourishing the Body, 33 The Structures of the Digestive Tract and the Digestive Process, 33 The Oral Cavity, 35 The Esophagus, 36 The Stomach, 38 The Small Intestine, 43 The Accessory Organs, 46 The Digestive and Absorptive Processes, 51 The Colon or Large Intestine, 53 Coordination and Regulation of the Digestive Process, 55 Neural Regulation,