Biopolymer Chemistry
Litteraturliste This book contains a description of the chemical structure of biological macromolecules, their size and shapes (conformation), and how the structure and the conformation determine the physical properties of such molecules. This book discusses the relationships between the chemical and physical properties of such molecules and their technological and bio-medical properties. It is designed for second or third year bachelor's students in chemistry or physics, and for first year students in master's programmes in biochemistry, biotechnology, glycobiology and bio-nanotechnology. The book will be an asset for programmes for polymer chemistry and technology. Chemical structur of biopolymers - Macromolecules - Nucleic acids - Proteins and amino acids - Sugars and polysaccharides - Other biopolymers - Conformation of biopolymers - Chain statistics and radius of gyration - From disorder to order - Ordered conformations - Physical properties of biopolymers - Molecular weight and molecular weight distribution - Thermodynamics of dilute solutions - Transport processes - Light scattering - Separation methods: chromatography and electrophoresis - Semi-dilute and concentrated solutions, polymer networks and gels, phase behavior of polymer mixtures