Biostatistics for dummies

Introduction 1 Part I: Beginning with Biostatistics Basics 7 Chapter 1: Biostatistics 101 9 Chapter 2: Overcoming Mathophobia: Reading and Understanding Mathematical Expressions 17 Chapter 3: Getting Statistical: A Short Review of Basic Statistics 31 Chapter 4: Counting on Statistical Software 51 Chapter 5: Conducting Clinical Research 61 Chapter 6: Looking at Clinical Trials and Drug Development 77 Part II: Getting Down and Dirty with Data 91 Chapter 7: Getting Your Data into the Computer 93 Chapter 8: Summarizing and Graphing Your Data 103 Chapter 9: Aiming for Accuracy and Precision 121 Chapter 10: Having Confi dence in Your Results 133 Chapter 11: Fuzzy In Equals Fuzzy Out: Pushing Imprecision through a Formula 143 Part II Comparing Groups 153 Chapter 12: Comparing Average Values between Groups 15 Chapter 13: Comparing Proportions and Analyzing Cross-Tabulations 173 Chapter 14: Taking a Closer Look at Fourfold Tables 189 Chapter 15: Analyzing Incidence and Prevalence Rates in Epidemiologic Data 203 Chapter 16: Feeling Noninferior (Or Equivalent) 211 Part IV: Looking for Relationships with Correlation and Regression 219 Chapter 17: Introducing Correlation and Regression 221 Chapter 18: Getting Straight Talk on Straight-Line Regression 233 Chapter 19: More of a Good Thing: Multiple Regression 251 Chapter 20: A Yes-or-No Proposition: Logistic Regression 267 Chapter 21: Other Useful Kinds of Regression 291 Part V: Analyzing Survival Data 311 Chapter 22: Summarizing and Graphing Survival Data 313 Chapter 23: Comparing Survival Times 331 Chapter 24: Survival Regression 339 Part VI: The Part of Tens 357 Chapter 25: Ten Distributions Worth Knowing 359 Chapter 26: Ten Easy Ways to Estimate How Many Subjects You Need 369 Index 375

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Wiley, 2013