Columbine & beyond

Michael Moores dokumentarfilm Bowling for Columbine danner baggrunden for denne antologi der dels behandler problematikker fra filmen, dels behandler temaer son f.eks. våbenlovgivning og medieindustriens rolle i USA
Indhold: Bowling for Columbine (Michael Moore: Foreword from Stupid white men. A.O. Scott: Seeking a smoking gun in U.S. violence. Kate Battan: E-mail. Charlton Heston: Speech at the National NRA Meeting. Tom Mauser: Speech at the White House) ; The Columbine High School shootings (Matt Bai: Anatomy of a massacre. Eric Harris: Short story about a massacre. Devon Adams: Mourn for the killers, too. Douglas Coupland: Hey Nostradamus! (uddrag). Joyce Carol Oates: Big Mouth & Ugly girl (uddrag)) ; Gun politics (The Second Amendment. The Declaration of Independence. The National Rifle Association and the Brady Campaign. The Brady Campaign : the Second Amendment myth and meaning. The National Rifle Association : NRA and the Second Amendment. Tiffany Hyatt: Why I picked up a gun. Michael Moore: Don't buy a handgun from stupid white men. J.C. Watts: A call to arms : renewing America. Marilym Manson: Columbine : whose fault is it?) ; A culture of fear (Barry Glassner: The culture of fear (uddrag). Michael Moore: Fear of whites? Ralph Ellison: Invisible man (uddrag). : professor Barry Glassner : the man who knows about fear in American culture. Green day : American idiot. DBC Pierre: Vernon god little (uddrag))

Columbine & beyond (Engelsk)

Indscannet e-bog, let bearbejdet (Engelsk)
Nota udgivelsesår: 
Gyldendal, 2006