Critical thinking in psychology
The nature and nurture of critical thinking / Diane Halpern -- Evaluating experimental research : critical issues / Henry L. Roediger, III and David P. McCabe -- Critical thinking in quasi-experimentation / William Shadish -- Evaluating surveys and questionnaires / Norbert Schwarz -- Critical thinking in designing and analyzing research / Robert J. Sternberg and Elena Grigorenko -- The case study perspective on psychological research / Randi Martin and Rachel Hull -- Informal logical fallacies / Jane Risen and Thomas Gilovich -- Designing studies to avoid confounds / Kathleen McDermott and Gregory E. Miller -- Evaluating theories / Simon Dennis and Walter Kintsch -- Not all experiments are created equal : on conducting and reporting persuasive experiments / Christian H. Jordan and Mark Zanna -- Making claims in papers and talks / Barbara A. Spellman, Judy DeLoache, and Robert A. Bjork -- Critical thinking in clinical inference / Thomas Oltmanns and E. David Klonsky -- Evaluating parapsychological claims / Ray Hyman -- Why would anyone do or believe such a thing : a social influence analysis / Anthony R. Pratkanis -- The belief machine / David K. Schneider -- Critical thinking and ethics in psychology / Celia B. Fisher, Adam L. Fried, and Jessica K. Masty -- Critical thinking in psychology : it really is critical / Robert J. Sternberg