The elephant in the classroom

helping children learn and love maths
Forfatteren påpeger de problemer som børn møder, når de skal lære matematik, og giver inspiration og konkrete forslag både til lærernes undervisning og til hvordan forældre kan hjælpe barnet derhjemme
Indhold: Introduction: Understanding the urgency -- What is maths? : and why do we all need it? -- What's going wrong in classrooms? : identifying the problems -- A vision for a better future : effective classroom approaches -- Banishing the monsters : moving to more effective forms of assessment -- Making "low ability" children : how different forms of grouping can make or break children -- Paying the price for sugar and spice? : how girls and women are kept out of maths and science -- Talking with numbers : key strategies and ways of working -- Giving children the best mathematical start in life : activities and advice -- Making a difference through work with schools

The elephant in the classroom (Engelsk)

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Souvenir, 2022