Infectious disease

pathogenesis, prevention, and case studies
PART 1. GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES. 1. Microbial etiology of disease N. Shetty, E. Aarons, J. Andrews. 2. Structure and function of microbes N. Shetty, E. Aarons, J. Andrews. 3. Host defence versus microbial pathogenesis and the mechanisms of microbial escape N. Shetty, E. Aarons, J. Andrews. 4. Diagnosis of microbial infection N. Shetty, E. Aarons, J. Andrews. 5. General Principles of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy N. Shetty, E. Aarons, J. Andrews. 6. Basic concepts of the epidemiology of infectious diseases N. Shetty. PART 2. A SYSTEMS BASED APPROACH TO INFECTIOUS DISEASES. 7. Infections of the skin, soft tissue, bone and joint N. Shetty, J.W. Tang. 8. Gastroenteritis N. Shetty, J.W. Tang. 9. Cardiac and Respiratory Tract infections N. Shetty, J.W. Tang, J. Andrews. 10. Infections of the Central Nervous System N. Shetty, J.W. Tang. 11. Infections of the Genito-urinary System N. Shetty, R. Smith. PART 3. INFECTIONS IN SPECIAL GROUPS. 12. Obstetric, Congenital and Neonatal Infections N. Shetty, J.W. Tang, J. Andrews. 13. Infections in the immunocompromised host (HIV, solid organ transplant recipients, haematological malignancies) D. Mack, N. Shetty. 14. Health care associated infections N. Shetty. 15. The fever and rash conundrum: rashes of childhood J.W. Tang. PART 4. INFECTIONS OF GLOBAL IMPACT. 16. Tuberculosis S. Srivastava, N. Shetty. 17. Malaria D. Mack. 18. HIV/AIDS J.W. Tang. 19. Hepatitis J.W. Tang. 20. Influenza J.W. Tang, P.K.S. Chan. 21. Infections in the returning traveler N. Shetty. PART 5. EMERGING AND RESURGENT INFECTIONS. 22. Viral hemorrhagic fevers J.W. Tang. 23. Emerging infections I (Human monkeypox, Hantaviruses, Nipah virus, Japanese encephalitis, Chikungunya) J.W. Tang. 24. Emerging infections II (West Nile virus, Dengue, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Associated Coronavirus) J.W. Tang, P.K.S. Chan. 25. Diphtheria N. Shetty. 26. Agents of Bioterrorism J.W. Tang . Index

Infectious disease (Engelsk)

Grundigt bearbejdet (Engelsk)
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Wiley-Blackwell, 2009