Managing iterative software development projects

(Addison-Wesley object technology series)
A practical guide to planning, organizing, estimating, staffing, and managing any iterative project, from start to finish. It introduces a proven, scalable approach that improves both agility and control at the same time, satisfying the needs of developers, managers, and the business alike. Foreword xixPreface xxiiiAcknowledgments xxxiiiPART I THE PRINCIPLES OF ITERATIVE PROJECT MANAGEMENT 1 Chapter 1 What Is Iterative Development? 3 Chapter 2 How Do Iterative Projects Function? 43 Chapter 3 Controlling Iterative Projects 77 Chapter 4 Are You Ready for Iterative Project Management? 123 PART II PLANNING AND MANAGING AN ITERATIVE PROJECT 157 Chapter 5 A Layered Approach to Planning and Managing Iterative Projects 159 Chapter 6 Overall Project Planning 203 Chapter 7 Evolution and Phase Planning 243 Chapter 8 Iteration Planning 291 Chapter 9 Iteration, Phase, and Project Assessments 339 Chapter 10 A Scalable Approach to Managing Iterative Projects 393 Chapter 11 Getting Started with Iterative Project Management 429 PART III APPENDICES 455 Appendix A A Brief Introduction to Use-Case Driven Development 457 Appendix B Outlines, Templates, and Checklists 481 Appendix C Examples 541 Index 601

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Addison-Wesley, 2007