Maths for chemistry
a chemist's toolkit of calculations
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS; INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE TUTOR; INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE STUDENT; 1. Ways of displaying numbers; 2. Algebra I: Introducing notation, nomenclature, symbols, and operators; 3. Algebra II: The correct order to perform a series of operations: BODMAS; 4. Algebra III: Simplification and elementary rearrangements; 5. Algebra IV: The use of fractions; 6. Algebra V: Rearranging equations according to the rules of algebra; 7. Algebra VI: Simplifying equations: brackets and factorising; 8. Graphs I: Introducing pictorial representations of functions; 9. Graphs II: The equation of a straight line; 10. Graphs VII: Solving simultaneous linear equations; 11. Powers I: Introducing indices and powers; 12. Powers II: Logarithms and exponentials; 13. Powers III: Obtaining linear graphs from non-linear functions; 14. Statistics I: Averages and Simple data analysis; 15. Statistis II: Treatment and assessment of errors; 16. Trigonometry; 17. Differentiation I: Introduction, tangents, rates of change, and first principles; 18. Differentiation II: Differentiating other functions; 19. Differentiation III: Differentiating functions of functions: the chain rule; 20. Differentiation IV: The product and quotient rules; 21. Differentiation V: Maxima and minima on graphs: second differentials; 22. Differentiation VI: Partial differentiation and polar coordinates; 23. Integration I: Reversing the process of differentiation; 24. Integration II: Separating the variables and integration with limits; 25. Integration III: Integration by parts, by substitution, and integration tables; 26. Integration IV: Area and volume determination; 27. Quantum mathematics I: Matrices and determinants; 28. Quantum mathematics II: Vectors; 29. Quantum mathematics III: Complex numbers; 30. Dimensional analysis; APPENDICES; Answers to all self-test problems; Bibliography; Glossary; Chemical Index; Chemistry index; Mathematics index