Politics and the emotions
the affective turn in contemporary political studies
Introduction / Paul Hoggett and Simon Thompson -- Emotion, antagonism and deliberation. Passionate participation: emotional experiences and expressions in deliberative forums / Marion Barnes -- Deliberative rituals: emotional energy and enthusiasm in debating landscape renewal / Bas van Stokkom -- Politics and fear. The liberalism of fear and the desire for peace / Michael Northcott -- Mobilizing fear: U.S. politics before and after 9/11/ Scott Lucas -- The affective dimension of political mobilization -- Political despair / Deborah B. Gould -- "Building on a firm foundation of tolerance and love?" emotional reflexivity in feminist political processes / Mary Holmes -- The politics of reparation. The apology in politics / Michael Cunningham -- Peace-building in Sierra Leone: the emotional dimension / Steven Kaindaneh and Andrew Rigby -- Politics and the triumph of the therapeutic. The therapeutic fantasy: self-love and quick wins / Tim Dartington -- The slippery slope and the emancipation of emotions / Cas Wouters