Shaping technology/Building society
studies in sociotechnical change
The life and death of an aircraft : a network analysis of technical change / John Law and Michel Callon -- What's in a patent? / Geof Bowker -- The social construction of fluorescent lighting, or how an artifact was invented in its diffusion stage / Wiebe E. Bijker -- Controversy and closure in technological change : constructing "steel" / Thomas J. Misa -- Closing the ranks : definition and stabilization of radioactive wastes in the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, 1945-1960 / Adri de la Bruhèze -- Artifacts and frames of meaning : Thomas A. Edison, his managers, and the cultural construction of motion pictures / W. Bernard Carlson -- The de-scription of technical objects / Madeleine Akrich -- Where are the missing masses? : the sociology of a few mundane artifacts / Bruno Latour -- A summary of a convenient vocabulary for the semiotics of human and nonhuman assemblies / Madeleine Akrich and Bruno Latour -- Technology, testing, text : clinical budgeting in the U.K. national health service / Trevor Pinch, Malcolm Ashmore, and Michael Mulkay -- Postscript : Technology, stability, and social theory / John Law and Wiebe E. Bijker