The startup owner's manual

the step-by-step guide for building a great company
The Startup Owner's Manual walks you, step-by-step, through the tested and proven Customer Development Process, helping get it right --and shows you how to "get, keep, and grow" customers--literally every step of the way. This near-encyclopedic, 608-page "how to" manual: Guides startups of all types in their search for a scalable, profitable business model. Explains the 9 deadly sins startups commit most often - and helps you avoid them. Incorporates the business model canvas as the starting point for any startup. Provides separate paths and advice for physical versus web/mobile products. Explains how to test and iterate your company's road to product/market fit. Details strategies and tactics for how to get, keep and grow customers. Teaches a new math for startups -- metrics that matter. Includes detailed checklists at every step of the process.

The startup owner's manual (Engelsk)

Indscannet e-bog, let bearbejdet (Engelsk)
Nota udgivelsesår: 
K&S Ranch, Inc., 2012