Surveys in social research

(Social research today) David de Vaus' classic text Surveys in Social Research provides clear advice on how to plan, conduct and analyse social surveys. It emphasises the links between theory and research, the logic and interpretation of statistics and the practices of social research. This sixth edition has been completely revised and updated, and contains new examples, data and extensive lists of web resources. As well as explaining how to conduct good surveys, de Vaus shows how to become a critical consumer of research. He argues that the logic of surveys..
Part I: The Scope of Survey Research 1. The Nature of Surveys 2. Theory and Social Research 3. Formulating and Clarifying Research Questions Part II: Collecting Survey Data 4. Developing Indicators for Concepts 5. Ethics and Data Collection 6. Finding a Sample 7. Constructing Questionnaires 8. Administering Questionnaires Part III: Setting Up the Data for Analysis 9. Coding 10. Preparing Variables for Analysis 11. Building Scales Part IV: Analysing Survey Data 12. Overview of Analysis 13. Univariate Analysis 14. Bivariate Analysis: Nominal and Ordinal Variables 15. Bivariate Analysis for Interval-Level Variables 16. Elaborate Bivariate Relationships 17. Multivariate Analysis 18. Putting It into Practice: A Research Example. Glossary. Bibliography

Surveys in social research (Engelsk)

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Nota udgivelsesår: 
Routledge, 2014, (6. udgave)