World literature in theory
Indhold: Conversations with Eckermann on Weltliteratur (1827) / Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. The emergence of Weltliteratur: Goethe and the Romantic School (2006) / John Pizer. Present tasks of comparative literature (1877) / Hugo Meltzl. What is world literature? (1886) / Hutcheson Macaulay Posnett. World literature (1907) / Rabindranath Tagore. A view on the unification of literature (1922) / Zheng Zhenduo. Reflections on Yiddish world literature (1938-1939) / Melekh Ravitsh and Borekh Rivkin. Should we rethink the notion of world literature? (1974) / René Etiemble. Constructing comparables (2000) / Marcel Detienne. Traveling theory (1982) / Edward W. Said. Toward world literary knowledges: theory in the age of globalization (2010) / Revathi Krishnaswamy. Conjectures on world literature (2000) and more conjectures (2003) / Franco Moretti. World literature without a hyphen: towards a typology of literary systems (2008) / Alexander Beecroft. Literature as a world (2005) / Pascale Casanova. Globalization and cultural diversity in the book market: the case of literary translations in the US and in France (2010) / Gisèle Sapiro. From cultural turn to translational turn: a transnational journey (2011) / Susan Bassnett. Stepping forward and back: issues and possibilities for "world" poetry (2004) / Stephen Owen. To world, to globalize: world literature's crossroads (2004) / Djelal Kadir. For a world-literature in French (2007) / Michel Le Bris et al.. For a living and popular Francophonie (2007) / Nicolas Sarkozy. Francophonie and universality: the ideological challenges of Littérature-monde (2009) / Jacqueline Dutton. Universalisms and Francophonies (2009) / Françoise Lionnet. Orientalism and the institution of world literatures (2010) / Aamir R. Mufti. Against world literature (2013) / Emily Apter. Comparative literature/world literature: a discussion (2011) / Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak and David Damrosch. The Argentine writer and tradition (1943) / Jorge Luis Borges. Cultures and contexts (2001) / Tania Franco Carvalhal. An idea of literature: South Africa, India, the West (2001) / Michael Chapman. The deterritorialization of American literature (2007) / Paul Giles. Islamic literary networks in South and Southeast Asia (2010) / Ronit Ricci. Rethinking the world in world literature: East Asia and literary contact nebulae (2009) / Karen Laura Thornber. Global cinema, world cinema (2010) / Denilson Lopes. The strategy of digital modernism: Young-hae Chang Heavy Industries' Dakota (2008) / Jessica Pressman