Principles of measurement systems

Provides a coherent and integrated approach to the topic, covering the main techniques and devices used, together with relevant theory applications, for both mechanical and electronic systems.
Preface to the fourth editionAcknowledgements Part A: General Principles 1. The general measurement system2. Static characteristics of measurement system elements3. The accuracy of measurement systems in the steady state4. Dynamic characteristics of measurement systems 5. Loading effects and two-port networks6. Signals and noise in measurement systems7. Reliability, choice and economics of measurement systems Part B: Typical measurement system elements8. Sensing elements9. Signal conditioning elements10. Signal processing elements and software11. Data presentation elements. Part C: Speciaised measurement Systems 12. Flow measurement systems. 13. Intrinsically safe measurement systems. 14. Heat transfer effects in measurement systems. 15. Optical measurement systems. 16. Ultrasonic measurement systems. 17. Gas chromatography. 18. Data acquisition and communications systems19. The intelligent multivariable measurement system Answers to numerical problems. Index.

Principles of measurement systems (Engelsk)

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Nota udgivelsesår: 
Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2005, (4. udgave)