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Emneord: Analytisk kemi
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Analytical chemistry and quantitative analysis
Analytical chemistry and quantitativ...
David S. Hage og James D. Carr.
David S. Hage og James D...
Statistics and chemometrics for analytical chemistry
Statistics and chemometrics for anal...
James N. Miller
Jane C. Miller
James N. Miller, Jane C....
Noter, opgaver og laboratorieøvelser til analytisk og fysisk kemi
Noter, opgaver og laboratorieøvelser...
Søren Storgaard Jørgensen
Søren Storgaard Jørgense...
Principles of Instrumental Analysis
Principles of Instrumental Analysis
Stanley R. Crouch
Douglas A. Skoog
F. James Holler
Stanley R. Crouch, Dougl...
Analytical chemistry
Analytical chemistry
Gary D. Christian
Purnendu K. Dasgupta
Kevin A. Schug
Gary D. Christian, Purne...
Thermal analysis of plastics
Thermal analysis of plastics
Gottfried W. Ehrenstein
Gottfried W. Ehrenstein
X-ray fluorescence spectrometry and related techniques
X-ray fluorescence spectrometry and ...
Eva Margui
René van Grieken
Eva Margui, René van Gri...
Farmaceutisk analytisk kemi
Farmaceutisk analytisk kemi
Under produktion
Heinz-Günter Kicinski og Lene Hedegaard Jensen
Heinz-Günter Kicinski og...
Under produktion