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Emneord: Elektronik
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Power System Stability and Control
Power System Stability and Control
Prabha Kundur
Prabha Kundur
HVDC Transmission
HVDC Transmission
Chan-Ki Kim
Chan-Ki Kim
Introduction to networking and electronics
Introduction to networking and elect...
Dynamic light scattering
Dynamic light scattering
Bruce J. Berne og Robert Pecora
Bruce J. Berne og Robert...
Designing control loops for linear and switching power supplies
Designing control loops for linear a...
Christophe Basso
Christophe Basso
Principles of power electronics
Principles of power electronics
John. G. Kassakian
Martin F. Schlecht og George C. Verghese
John. G. Kassakian, Mart...
Electrical power transmission system engineering
Electrical power transmission system...
Turan Gonen
Turan Gonen
Applied nonlinear control
Applied nonlinear control
Jean-Jacques E. Slotine og Weiping Li
Jean-Jacques E. Slotine ...
Automobile electrical and electronic systems
Automobile electrical and electronic...
Tom Denton
Tom Denton
Hybrid electric vehicle technology
Hybrid electric vehicle technology
Automotive Research and Design
Automotive Research and ...
Getting started in electronics
Getting started in electronics
Forrest M. Mims
Forrest M. Mims
Power electronics
Power electronics
M. Singh og K. Khanchandani
M. Singh og K. Khanchand...
Fundamentals of electric power quality
Fundamentals of electric power quali...
Surya Santoso
Surya Santoso
Electric Power Substations Engineering
Electric Power Substations Engineeri...
John D. MacDonald
John D. MacDonald
Circuit Analysis
Circuit Analysis
Allan H. Robbins og Wilhelm C. Miller
Allan H. Robbins og Wilh...
Computer architecture and organization
Computer architecture and organizati...
Subrata Ghoshal
Subrata Ghoshal
Electronic structure
Electronic structure
Richard M. Martin
Richard M. Martin
Computer science distilled
Computer science distilled
Wladston Ferreira Filho
Wladston Ferreira Filho
Digital fundamentals
Digital fundamentals
Thomas L. Floyd
Thomas L. Floyd
Signal processing and linear systems
Signal processing and linear systems
B. P. Lathi
B. P. Lathi
Digital- og mikroprocessorteknik
Digital- og mikroprocessorteknik
Leif Møller Andersen og Kim Rundblad
Leif Møller Andersen og ...
Elektronik og el-systemer
Elektronik og el-systemer
The analysis and design of linear circuits
The analysis and design of linear ci...
Roland E. Thomas
Albert J. Rosa og Gregory J. Toussaint
Roland E. Thomas, Albert...
Grundlæggende elektronik
Grundlæggende elektronik
Statiske omformere
Statiske omformere
Søren Haahr
Søren Haahr
Elinstallation Ståbi
Elinstallation Ståbi
Anders Dalum m.fl.
Anders Dalum m.fl.
Understanding digital signal processing
Understanding digital signal process...
Richard G. Lyons
Richard G. Lyons
Anvendt elektronik
Anvendt elektronik
Jan Soelberg
Jan Soelberg
Analog elektronik - Bind 1: Teori
Analog elektronik - Bind 1: Teori
Erik Hüche og Mogens Probst
Erik Hüche og Mogens Pro...
Grundlæggende elektronik
Grundlæggende elektronik
Per Blædel Gottlieb
Kurt Skovsø
Per Blædel Gottlieb, Kur...
Practical electronics for inventors
Practical electronics for inventors
Paul Scherz og Simon Monk
Paul Scherz og Simon Monk
Elektronik ståbi
Elektronik ståbi
Allan R. Hambley
Allan R. Hambley
Bekendtgørelse om stærkstrømsbekendtgørelsen, afsnit 6C, særlige krav til anvendelse af stikpropper og stikkontakter i installationer
Bekendtgørelse om stærkstrømsbekendt...
Egon Rasmussen
Egon Rasmussen