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Emneord: Klinisk psykologi
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Psykologien i perspektiv
Psykologien i perspektiv
Jørn Beckmann
Jørn Beckmann
Deliberate practice in cognitive behavioral therapy
Deliberate practice in cognitive beh...
James F. Boswell og Michael J. Constantino
James F. Boswell og Mich...
Diagnostic classification of mental health and developmental disorders of infancy and early childhood
Diagnostic classification of mental ...
Defiant children
Defiant children
Russell A. Barkley
Russell A. Barkley
Introduction to clinical psychology
Introduction to clinical psychology
John Hunsley og Catherine M. Lee
John Hunsley og Catherin...
Cognitive therapy for suicidal patients
Cognitive therapy for suicidal patie...
Amy Wenzel
Gregory K. Brown og Aaron T. Beck
Amy Wenzel, Gregory K. B...
The Time-block Planner
The Time-block Planner
Cal Newport
Cal Newport
Philosophical counseling
Philosophical counseling
Peter B. Raabe
Peter B. Raabe
Klinisk neuropsykologi
Klinisk neuropsykologi
Praktisk psykiatri
Praktisk psykiatri
Ida Hageman og Lone Baandrup
Ida Hageman og Lone Baan...
Textbook of Applied Medical Psychology
Textbook of Applied Medical Psycholo...
Susanne S. Pedersen
Susanne S. Pedersen
Sociale patologier
Sociale patologier
Emosjonsfokusert terapi
Emosjonsfokusert terapi
Jan Reidar Stiegler
Jan Reidar Stiegler
Psykologisk undersøgelsesmetodik
Psykologisk undersøgelsesmetodik
Birgitte Brun og Per Knudsen
Birgitte Brun og Per Knu...
Klinisk psykologi
Klinisk psykologi
Stig Poulsen
Stig Poulsen
The handbook of child and adolescent clinical psychology
The handbook of child and adolescent...
Alan Carr
Alan Carr
Fagetikk i psykologisk arbeid
Fagetikk i psykologisk arbeid
Haldor Øvreeide
Haldor Øvreeide
Karen Vibeke Mortensen m.fl.
Karen Vibeke Mortensen m...
The art and science of mindfulness
The art and science of mindfulness
Shauna L. Shapiro
Linda E. Carlson
Shauna L. Shapiro, Linda...
Adfærdens ABC
Adfærdens ABC
Jonas Ramnerö og Niklas Törneke
Jonas Ramnerö og Niklas ...
The power threat meaning framework
The power threat meaning framework
L. Johnstone og M. Boyle
L. Johnstone og M. Boyle
The handbook of child and adolescent clinical psychology
The handbook of child and adolescent...
Alan Carr
Alan Carr
Klinisk psykologi II: kompendium F24 - Bind 2
Klinisk psykologi II: kompendium F24...
The Oxford handbook of stress, health, and coping
The Oxford handbook of stress, healt...
Handbook of research methods in clinical psychology
Handbook of research methods in clin...
Klinisk psykologi II: kompendium F24 - Bind 1
Klinisk psykologi II: kompendium F24...