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Emneord: Led (anatomi)
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Atlas over bevægeapparatet
Atlas over bevægeapparatet
Michell Lui Kowal og Louise Pil Mørch
Michell Lui Kowal og Lou...
Mennesket - led for led
Mennesket - led for led
Anatomi, bevægelseslære og styrketræning
Anatomi, bevægelseslære og styrketræ...
Rolf Wirhed
Rolf Wirhed
Joint mobilization/manipulation
Joint mobilization/manipulation
Susan L. Edmond
Susan L. Edmond
Joint structure and function
Joint structure and function
Cram session in goniometry
Cram session in goniometry
Lynn Van Ost
Lynn Van Ost
Measurement of joint motion
Measurement of joint motion
Cynthia C. Norkin
D. Joyce White
Cynthia C. Norkin, D. Jo...
Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy: Tables of Muscles, Joints and Nerves
Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy: Tabl...