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Emneord: Systemudvikling
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UML for the IT business analyst
UML for the IT business analyst
Howard Podeswa
Howard Podeswa
Professionel IT-forundersøgelse
Professionel IT-forundersøgelse
Keld Bødker
Finn Kensing
Jesper Simonsen
Keld Bødker, Finn Kensin...
Introduktion til UML
Introduktion til UML
Kendall Scott
Kendall Scott
Object-oriented analysis & design
Object-oriented analysis & design
Jan Stage m.fl.
Jan Stage m.fl.
Balancing agility and discipline
Balancing agility and discipline
Barry Boehm og Richard Turner
Barry Boehm og Richard T...
Håndbog i struktureret programudvikling
Håndbog i struktureret programudvikl...
Stephen Biering-Sørensen m.fl.
Stephen Biering-Sørensen...
Information systems development
Information systems development
David Avison og Guy Fitzgerald
David Avison og Guy Fitz...
Eksperimentel systemudvikling
Eksperimentel systemudvikling
User interface inspection methods
User interface inspection methods
Chauncey Wilson
Chauncey Wilson
Doing hard time
Doing hard time
Bruce Powel Douglass
Bruce Powel Douglass
UML distilled
UML distilled
Martin Fowler
Martin Fowler
UML 2 and the unified process
UML 2 and the unified process
Jim Arlow og Ila Neustadt
Jim Arlow og Ila Neustadt
Under produktion
Objektorienteret analyse & design
Objektorienteret analyse & design
Under produktion
Objektorienteret analyse & design
Objektorienteret analyse & design
Lars Mathiassen m.fl.
Lars Mathiassen m.fl.