Clinical sports nutrition
Indhold: Physiology of sports / Ronald J. Maughan and SusanM Shirreffs. Dietary assessment of athletes: clinical and research perspectives / Vicki Deakin, Deborah Kerr and Carol Boushey. Physical assessment of the athlete / Greg Shaw, Alisa Nana and Elizabeth Broad. Protein / Daniel Moore, Stuart Phillips and Gary Slater. Energy requirements of the athlete: assessment and evidence of energy efficency / Melinda M. Manore and Janice L. Thompson. Weight loss and the athlete / Helen O'Connor, Alexandra Honey and Ian Caterson. Making weight / Janet Walberg Rankin and Jennifer Gibson. Eating disorders and disordered eating in athletes / Nikki A. Jeacocke and Kathering A. Beals. Bone, calcium, vitamin D and exercise / Deborah Kerr and Enette Larson-Meyer. Prevention, detection and treatment of iron depletion and deficiency in athletes / Vicki Deakin and Peter Peeling. Michael Fogelholm: Micronutrients: vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Louise Burke: Preparation for competition. Competition fluid and fuel / Asker Jeukendrup, James Carter and Ron Maughan. Louise Burke: Nutrition for recovery after training and competition. Nutritional strategies to enhance fat oxidation during aerobic exercise / Louise Burke and John Hawley. Supplements and sports foods / Louise Burke and Louise Cato. Nutritional issues for young athletes: children and adolescents / Ben Desbrow and Michael Leveritt. Nutrition issues for the masters athlete / Peter Reaburn, Thomas Doering and Nattai Borges. Special needs: the athlete with diabetes / Pat Phillips and Vicki Deakin. Athletes with gastrointestinal disorders, food allergies and food intolerance / Jeni Pearce and Stephanie Gaskell. Special needs: The Paralympic athlete / Elizabeth Broad and Siobhan Crawshay. Immunity, infective illness and injury / Gary Slater, Davis Pyne and Kevin Tipton. Medical and nutritional issues for the travelling athlete / Ryan Kohler. Altitude, cold and heat / Megan L. Ross and David T. Martin. Catering for athletes / Fiona Pelly and Joanne Mirtschin