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Emneord: Kulturanalyse
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Kultur på arbejde
Kultur på arbejde
Kasper Asklund
Kasper Asklund
Cross-cultural analysis
Cross-cultural analysis
Michael Minkov
Michael Minkov
Researching communications
Researching communications
David Deacon m.fl.
David Deacon m.fl.
Introduction to systems theory
Introduction to systems theory
Niklas Luhmann
Niklas Luhmann
Kulturanalyse i organisationer
Kulturanalyse i organisationer
Cathrine Hasse
Cathrine Hasse
Krop og bevægelse i idræt og sundhed
Krop og bevægelse i idræt og sundhed...
Cultural studies
Cultural studies
Chris Barker og Emma A. Jane
Chris Barker og Emma A. ...
Sundt, sundere, helt sygt
Sundt, sundere, helt sygt
Karen Hvidtfeldt Madsen og Charlotte Kroløkke
Karen Hvidtfeldt Madsen ...
Beyond culture
Beyond culture
Edward T. Hall
Edward T. Hall
Cultural studies
Cultural studies
Michael Ryan
Brett Ingram og Hanna Musiol
Michael Ryan, Brett Ingr...
The location of culture
The location of culture
Homi K. Bhabha
Homi K. Bhabha
Cultural analysis
Cultural analysis
Hans Gullestrup
Hans Gullestrup
Jewellery in context
Jewellery in context
Marjan Unger
Marjan Unger
Cultural intelligence
Cultural intelligence
Darrell L. Bock
Darrell L. Bock
The consequences of modernity
The consequences of modernity
Anthony Giddens
Anthony Giddens
Growing up in diverse societies
Growing up in diverse societies
Popular Memories
Popular Memories
Ekaterina V. Haskins
Ekaterina V. Haskins
Ny kulturteori
Ny kulturteori
Forms of capital
Forms of capital
Pierre Bourdieu
Pierre Bourdieu
Billy Ehn og Orvar Löfgren
Billy Ehn og Orvar Löfgr...
Habitus and field
Habitus and field
Pierre Bourdieu
Pierre Bourdieu
Kultursociologi og kulturanalyse
Kultursociologi og kulturanalyse
Skal vi lege tiger?
Skal vi lege tiger?
Billy Ehn
Billy Ehn
Henrik Jøker Bjerre
Henrik Jøker Bjerre
The field of cultural production
The field of cultural production
Pierre Bourdieu
Pierre Bourdieu