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Emneord: Marketing
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Effective advertising
Effective advertising
Gerard J. Tellis
Gerard J. Tellis
Corporate branding
Corporate branding
International Business
International Business
Charles W. L. Hill
Chow-Hou Wee og Krishna Udayasankar
Charles W. L. Hill, Chow...
Public communication campaigns
Public communication campaigns
Destination marketing
Destination marketing
Steven Pike
Steven Pike
Understanding the construction client
Understanding the construction client
David Boyd og Ezekiel Chinyio
David Boyd og Ezekiel Ch...
International Marketing & Sales
International Marketing & Sales
Joan Pape Rasmussen og Jon Ording Haug
Joan Pape Rasmussen og J...
The economy of brands
The economy of brands
Jan Lindemann
Jan Lindemann
Marketing Research
Marketing Research
Dr. Dawn Iacobucci og Dr. Gilbert A. Churchill Jr.
Dr. Dawn Iacobucci og Dr...
Essentials of marketing
Essentials of marketing
Paul Baines
Chris Fill og Kelly Page
Paul Baines, Chris Fill ...
Principles of services marketing
Principles of services marketing
Adrian Palmer
Adrian Palmer
Museum marketing and strategy
Museum marketing and strategy
Neil G. Kotler
Philip Kotler og Wendy I. Kotler
Neil G. Kotler, Philip K...
The Marketing Plan Handbook
The Marketing Plan Handbook
Marian Burk Wood
Marian Burk Wood
Rob Stokes
Rob Stokes
Marketing communications
Marketing communications
PR.. Smith og Ze Zook
PR.. Smith og Ze Zook
Marketing Research
Marketing Research
Naresh K Malhotra
Naresh K Malhotra
Essentials of marketing
Essentials of marketing
Jim Blythe
Jim Blythe
Online brand communities
Online brand communities
Francisco J. Martinez-Lopez
Francisco J. Martinez-Lo...
Marketing Research
Marketing Research
Marketing warfare
Marketing warfare
Al Ries og Jack Trout
Al Ries og Jack Trout
Marketing fundamentals
Marketing fundamentals
Bronis Verhage
Bronis Verhage
Advertising and Promotion
Advertising and Promotion
George E. Belch og Michael A. Belch
George E. Belch og Micha...
International business
International business
Charles W. L. Hill og G. Tomas M. Hult
Charles W. L. Hill og G....
Viral marketing
Viral marketing
Karen Nelson-Field
Karen Nelson-Field
Charles W. Lamb
Joseph F. Hair og Carl McDaniel
Charles W. Lamb, Joseph ...
Marketing management
Marketing management
Svend Hollesen
Svend Hollesen
Marketing management
Marketing management
Philip Kotler m.fl.
Philip Kotler m.fl.
Successful event management
Successful event management
Anton Shone og Bryn Parry
Anton Shone og Bryn Parry
Business marketing management: B2B
Business marketing management: B2B
Principles and practice of marketing
Principles and practice of marketing
David Jobber og Fiona Ellis-Chadwick
David Jobber og Fiona El...
Make it all about me
Make it all about me
Rasmus Houlind og Colin Shearer
Rasmus Houlind og Colin ...
Introduktion til digital markedsføring og tværmedial kommunikation
Introduktion til digital markedsføri...
Ezio Pillon og Michael Vodder
Ezio Pillon og Michael V...
Retail Marketing
Retail Marketing
Sean Ennis
Sean Ennis
Kompendium i marketing management
Kompendium i marketing management
Lars Sunesen
Lars Sunesen
Fundamentals of marketing
Fundamentals of marketing
Paul Baines m.fl.
Paul Baines m.fl.
Marketing across cultures
Marketing across cultures
Jean-Claude Usunier og Julie Anne Lee
Jean-Claude Usunier og J...
Consumer behavior
Consumer behavior
Wayne D. Hoyer
Deborah J. MacInnis og Rik Pieters
Wayne D. Hoyer, Deborah ...
Designing brand identity
Designing brand identity
Alina Wheeler
Alina Wheeler
Economy of experiences
Economy of experiences
Albert Boswijk
Ed Peelen og Steven Olthof
Albert Boswijk, Ed Peele...
Industrial organization
Industrial organization
Paul Belleflamme og Martin Peitz
Paul Belleflamme og Mart...
Services marketing
Services marketing
Jochen Wirtz og Christopher Lovelock
Jochen Wirtz og Christop...
International business
International business
Charles W.L. Hill og G. Tomas M. Hult
Charles W.L. Hill og G. ...
Building winning algorithmic trading systems
Building winning algorithmic trading...
Kevin J. Davey
Kevin J. Davey
Marketing communications
Marketing communications
John Egan
John Egan
The marketing plan handbook
The marketing plan handbook
Alexander Chernev
Alexander Chernev
Marketing models
Marketing models
Dawn Iacobucci
Dawn Iacobucci
Designing brand identity
Designing brand identity
Alina Wheeler
Alina Wheeler
Marketing communications
Marketing communications
Patrick de Pelsmacker
Maggie Geuens
Joeri van den Bergh
Patrick de Pelsmacker, M...
Qualitative research methods in public relations and marketing communications
Qualitative research methods in publ...
Christine Daymon og Immy Holloway
Christine Daymon og Immy...
Successful event management
Successful event management
Anton Shone
Anton Shone
Qualitative research methods in public relations and marketing communications
Qualitative research methods in publ...
Christine Daymon og Immy Holloway
Christine Daymon og Immy...
Strategic Brand Management
Strategic Brand Management
Richard Rosenbaum-Elliot
Larry percy og Simon Pervan
Richard Rosenbaum-Elliot...
Essentials of marketing research
Essentials of marketing research
Joseph F. Hair
Joseph F. Hair, Jr.
Mass communication
Mass communication
Ralph E. Hanson
Ralph E. Hanson
Strategy from the outside in
Strategy from the outside in
George S. Day
Christine Moorman
George S. Day, Christine...
Ecom hell
Ecom hell
Shirley Tan
Shirley Tan
The trend forecaster's handbook
The trend forecaster's handbook
Martin Raymond
Martin Raymond
Sales management
Sales management
Bill Donaldson
Bill Donaldson
Consumer behaviour
Consumer behaviour
Leon G. Schiffman
Leslie Lazar Kanuk
Håvard Hansen
Leon G. Schiffman, Lesli...
The experience economy
The experience economy
B. Joseph Pine II og James H. Gilmore
B. Joseph Pine II og Jam...
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